19th C. Italian Table w/Pierce-Carved Apron
A beautiful Italian console table with pierced skirt and slate stone top from the early 19th century. This antique table from Italy is topped with a rectangular-shaped honed black slate slab, which rests above a fabulously pierce-carved apron, along with bead-and-dot trim at it's topside, and a ribbon carved skirt lining along the bottom. Each apron corner, just above the legs has been carved with a single flower head. The round-turned legs are accentuated with carved acanthus leaf wrappings at their mid-sections, and then continue to taper towards their feet. Color palette is a dark blue showing from beneath a wash of black, and pewter toned accents. The backside of this table remains un-finished, therefore best use would be for it to be used against a wall. This antique Italian table is 3 feet wide and approximately 15 inches in depth, allowing plentiful options for use within many rooms in a home.
(91cm x 39cm x 83cm )
19th Century
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