The cost of shipping is yours of course, but A Tyner Antiques is happy to help with shipping estimates. Items which are professionally shipped out of state do not incur Georgia sales tax. We usually have small items shipped via our local UPS store. You pay the UPS store directly. We do not receive any shipping or handling fees. Larger items are usually blanket-wrapped or crated, depending on the shipper, and can be delivered to your door. Once you have selected a shipper, we put you in touch with them directly.
If an item gets damaged during shipment, notify the shipper immediately. Retain any packing material. A Tyner Antiques is not responsible for any damage incurred during transport
Westbrook Corporation
[email protected]
- Atlanta - (404) 877-2870
- Charleston - (843) 991-6738
RB Shipping
[email protected]
- Office - (404) 524-9122
- Everett - (404) 441-4994
The UPS Store
[email protected]
- Phone - (404) 261-6339
- Fax - (404) 261-6416
Designer Transport
[email protected]
- Phone - (404) 352-0554