Louis XVI Commode, Orig Marble & Brass Trim
A French Louis XVI style commode, with its original marble top, from the 19th century. This antique chest from France, designed in Louis XVI style, features a slightly overhanging top with pronounced and square/canted front corners, atop a case which houses three full-sized drawers, flanked within flute-carved and canted side posts with diamond-shaped inlays embellishing their tops. Each of the dove-tailed drawers are fitted with rectangular brass pulls and a shield-shaped escutcheon at their center. Brass embellishments continue with a horizontal band of brass which goes between the top and middle drawer, and wrapping around onto each side. This commode is presented upon conical legs with brass trim at their bulbous tops and terminating into brass peg feet. This piece has a newer, stripped finish which shows off the beautiful coloring of the fruitwood; a lovely compliment to the original black marble top and brass trimmings! This 19th century French Louis XVI style chest-of-drawers is a beautiful case-piece that could function well throughout your home; offering storage within and a place for desired objects to be prominently displayed atop!
(130cm x 56cm x 90cm )
19th Century
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