Venetian Hand-Painted Tapering Chest, 1920s
An Italian Venetian chest, with whimsical trapezoid shape and hand painted design, from the early 20th century. This antique chest from Italy, circa 1920's, has a tapering body with top being wider than the body, giving the case an overall trapezoidal appearance. The top has a lovely faux marble design with a mint, sea-green and malachite color palette. The case houses three graduated raised-panel drawers, outlined in a petite bead wood-carved trim, and hand-painted centers in a urn with scrolling foliate motif. Each case side is painted in the same motif, and raised center panels are further adorn with raised circles set at each corner. This piece is presented upon four squared, tapering legs, with from pair being canted as to follow the canted lines of the side posts above. Colors of the body consist of various blues, cream and pale green. This antique Venetian Italian chest, with fun Art Deco lines and cool color palette, will make a perfect decorative storage piece for just about any room in your home!
(104cm x 48cm x 85cm )
Early 20th Century
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